xtremely sorry

Sunday, May 29, 2011
we're xtremely sorry 4 not posting 4 such a long time.We know that we keep on saying this, but we have our own problems.

well, all 4 of us kinda split up, friend problem, wat we mean is, we didnt meet up wit each other lately, it was due 2 our exams n a few of our friend problems. 2 b honest, no 1 even touched iladeeda or talk about it anymore.

so, im not gonna complain bout everything in this post, but i do hope that we can still post more since we're out of topic n everything. so, if u have anything like ideas or suggestions, plisplisplisplis pretty please wit a cherry on top, leave it @ our chatbox or visit our fb, twitter etc" that was posted in our very last post.

once more, we're xtremely sorry, n plis cooperate by following or suggesting something,