San Jose Wedding Photographer :: Jeanine & Neal

Saturday, May 28, 2011
From the 150+ weddings I've shot, if you were to ask me WHO was the easiest going couple, it would be HAVE to be Jeanine and Neal. Their engagement session was amounst my most favorite of last year. We car washed, we swam, we LICKED! This time we licked and wedding bells rang.

BIG thanks to Scott Mosher for helping out on this gig. You're help is appreciated. Always. Also wanted to say thank you to Diane & Robert for refereeing these guys to me in the first place. OH, guest who has a new baby. :)

Congrats guys. Wedding was a blast. Lets do a post wedding session! We can continue the tradition and end with a lick. CHEERS!

Happy Saturday bloggies!


love this layout.

Yeah, this is something the do. :)
annnnnd again. :D