Captured in a dream...Senior Prom 2011;)

Sunday, April 24, 2011
Prom was a lot of fun this year. I got to go with one of my buds, Jacob Turner. We had a blast...he asked me by writing a poem and then he put his name in a tiny easter egg wrapped with two rolls of duct tape (haha fun huh?!) then I answered him by getting a plunger and filling it with almond joy "I would be overflowed with joy to go to prom with you". 

For our day date we went to walmart and each couple was instructed to spend less than $15. Then we went to Jacob's house and cooked it all up! It was an interesting combination of every diverse food! Then after lunch we headed over to a dance studio and took ballroom dance lessons. It was so much fun! The dance was wonderful and seniors were able to promenade across the stage with their escort.
 My family came to watch me and maddie:)
 This is blurry, but it's me and Jacob before the dance!
 strolling along in our curtain-like attire
 Us three at our last dance...

 After the promenade, there was a special dance with our dads. Em and Silva.
 Em was sweet enough to share her dad with me. I'm so lucky to have such an awesome best friend and second dad. Thanks for all you do for me!!!
 This is our normal face
 Soph, please don't eat meh
 Me and my awesome date Jacob! Thanks for the fun time!!
Me and Kyle:)
I also get to go to Minico's pictures later!