Merriam Webster Dictionary

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Merriam Webster Dictionary. Merriam-Webster Dictionary
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  • rhett7660
    Mar 28, 08:25 AM
    ^^ Heck I am just glad they mentioned OS X at all!!! Really good news!!

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  • tech4all
    Oct 26, 08:29 PM
    Nice about the update, although I don't really use the email for .Mac, lol. The storage space issue others seem to have a problem with isn't really a problem for least not yet.

    I'd recommend .Mac to anyone who wants to do this kind of stuff. Can you think of a way to do all of the above for < $100/year without being an uber geek who knows all about FTP and WebDAV and POP/SMTP? :D

    Very true. I said it before and I'll say it again. With .Mac and iLife '06 (especially iWeb) making a simple website to show photos to your family and friends is simple for practically anyone to use. (great now I'm starting to sound like a commercial :p)

    Merriam Webster Dictionary. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary
  • The Merriam-Webster Dictionary

  • Snowy_River
    Aug 14, 03:04 PM
    Worst Apple ads ever. You attract more flies with sugar than vinegar, and Apple's all about the vinegar.

    I strongly disagree. These ads are based on humor. Humor seems more like a sweet enticement than a sour one.

    Oh, and by the way, it's honey, not sugar.

    I'm not claiming to say that these ads have hurt or helped boost the market shares.

    Well, actually you are:

    Not because of these commercials.

    That seems pretty much like your denying the possibility that they have helped, explicitly.

    ...I'm only saying that I have only heard negative things about them.

    I feel embarrassed watching them.

    Well, you know, that's your experience and your issue. I find them funny. Everyone I know finds them funny. And that includes a number of PC users, including IT professionals. The only person who didn't quite let himself laugh openly about them is my dad, and he has a personal bias against Macs.

    Merriam Webster Dictionary. Merriam-webster#39;s Dictionary
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  • AT71
    Sep 27, 01:08 PM
    Hope the volume issue is solved in this update.

    Merriam Webster Dictionary. Franklin Merriam-Webster
  • Franklin Merriam-Webster

  • iJohnHenry
    May 2, 08:17 PM
    Unless the microgenetics machines are small, well, there are several stages in DNA transcription and reverse transcriptase, which would make several conditions unsuitable. Heat destroys it. It can be awfully slow. There are at least 6 stages using different equipment.

    The guy is dead, and not smelling like roses at the moment, so take your samples and dump the carrion.

    Merriam Webster Dictionary. Merriam-Webster#39;s Dictionary
  • Merriam-Webster#39;s Dictionary

  • NAG
    Mar 23, 02:55 PM
    I have a tv with an iPod dock as a feature that can play video off my iPhone when plugged in (the dock doesn't fit my iPad, booo). I don't really see why Apple would prevent Airplay from being built in to TVs when they have iPod docks. Kind of a no brainer here.

    PS: The dock wasn't a factor, it was on sale. Having Airplay might have been a factor.

    Merriam Webster Dictionary. Merriam-Webster Medical
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  • Bosunsfate
    Nov 21, 04:41 PM
    a problem will be that it needs a thermal difference to work

    Exactly. Mabye the G5 chips will come back...after all the hotter it gets the better these Thermal Chips will work...;)

    Merriam Webster Dictionary. Merriam-Webster Dictionary
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  • Knowimagination
    Mar 11, 10:01 AM
    Nearing 30 at University.

    Wow I may have to head out there sooner than expected

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  • Nermal
    Nov 2, 11:20 PM
    Sometimes, copy protection depends on the drive you're using. Some drives will successfully read some copy protected CDs, while others won't. Anyway, the only suggestion I have is Preferences -> Importing -> Use Error Correction.

    Merriam Webster Dictionary. Merriam-Webster#39;s Collegiate
  • Merriam-Webster#39;s Collegiate

  • diamond.g
    Mar 28, 10:36 AM
    my thoughts: iOS 5 will have a new revamped UI. The dock will now have a launchpad icon that will bring up all the applications. There will be no need for badges as the notifications will be present on the main page just like widgets. There will be feeds/social widgets on homepages that integrate with social networks i.e. Ping, Facebook, and Twitter..

    Just my 2 cents.

    That seems like a copy of the Android interface...

    Merriam Webster Dictionary. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary
  • The Merriam-Webster Dictionary

  • G4er?
    Apr 5, 08:50 AM
    If needing to carry a computer all the time everywhere I go is normal I'm glad I'm not normal. I enjoy using a computer but I also enjoy being able to walk away from them and exist without one too.

    Merriam Webster Dictionary. For Merriam-Webster#39;s Spa-Eng
  • For Merriam-Webster#39;s Spa-Eng

  • avkills
    Sep 20, 05:57 PM
    Microsoft has not beat Apple as far as a 64bit consumer OS goes. Name one consumer chip that is 64bit. Thank you. Carry on.

    Also, I think NT is limited to 4 processors unless they have updated that recently. Clustering is not the same as a multi-processor machine. Unix scales better than NT, just deal with it. Apple could easily make a rack server that had 16 processors, with a kick arse OpenGL card and teach SGI a lesson. They don't have the market for that though...yet!


    Merriam Webster Dictionary. Webster Dictionary/Thesaurus
  • Webster Dictionary/Thesaurus

  • jsw
    Sep 19, 10:48 AM
    Gar! Perhaps ye be best served with some o' me best lines ( to use w' th' young lasses.

    Though be warned... those that be interested in th' words o' a gentleman o' fortune such as meself are oft'n wenches, not th' buxom beauties and lasses ye probably long for. If'n th' young lass at th' Apple Store be not a wench, ye might be findin' that th' nano be not so small when it be shoved into certain places.

    Merriam Webster Dictionary. Franklin Merriam Webster
  • Franklin Merriam Webster

  • iMeowbot
    Sep 25, 11:19 PM
    Once I see the letter I'll be more apt to believe these claims, until then I think that they are just trying to drum up hits on their sites...
    Here you go (

    Merriam Webster Dictionary. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary
  • The Merriam-Webster Dictionary

  • Eidorian
    Jun 17, 08:41 PM
    If I were to guess, it would be this single new model alone for the rest of this year, with the 2 older models slotting in as the "bargain" versions for the holiday season. Then next year, after the launch of Kinect has settled in, and the older models are pretty well phased out, they could introduce a wider range of models.I've heard that the older Arcade and Pro models are no long in production. What is going to happen once they're no longer in stock?

    Merriam Webster Dictionary. Merriam-Webster Dictionary (韦
  • Merriam-Webster Dictionary (韦

  • lmalave
    Oct 16, 10:47 PM
    picture the 80gb ipod, in its current form factor.... that slides down like the LG Chocolate does, to expose a full qwerty keyboard... sweet

    Hmm...I have a feeling both the iPhone and iPhone Pro will be flash-based though. But I think you're right they will both be slider phones. I think the iPhone "slim" phone will basically be like a shorter, wider iPod nano with a slightly larger screen and a slide-out keyboard - so it will be about twice the thickness of a nano. The larger iPhone Pro will be like a narrower iPod, maybe with a portrait screen orientation instead of landscape, and will again have a slide-out keyboard. I expect that the iPhone will have something like 2 GB and the iPhone Pro something like 4 GB or even 8 GB. I would be pleasantly surprised if either of these models had any expandable storage, but I doubt it. I think they will initially launch without expandable storage, and then add it later in the second generation of iPhones...

    Merriam Webster Dictionary. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary
  • The Merriam-Webster Dictionary

  • DPinTX
    Mar 11, 01:55 PM
    Which entrance to the mall is gonna get me closest to the end of the line?

    Walk in from Dillards line goes to escalator by there or come in to ice ring entrance and go to the left.


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  • King Cobra
    Sep 14, 07:08 AM
    >(MacBandit) First of all what do you consider great boot times? Not that this matters a lot. I have a new Dual Ghz/DDR and it starts from cold boot to login in screen in 27secs with 10.2 and from login to operating finder is nearly instantaneous.

    With 10.2, sure, boot time on the Mac has significantly improved. But I've noticed that with the PCs at PHHS the PCs boot in under a minute. But, just this past week I thought I logged out of one of the P3s and I actually restarted it. The restart to log-in, then to the OS was approximately the same as you said, MB. What would a computer with 3x/4x the GHz seem like?

    >Second of all as I have stated before the true reason Mhz doesn't matter is because something like %98 of all computer users are not power users these are the people that will go buy a new computer tomorrow and if there is a 2.8Ghz computer sitting next to a 800Mhz computer they couldn't care they're going to buy the cheap one.

    >(MacBandit, in a previous post) The people that really desire the speed at least most of them know the difference between Mhz and overall system speed.

    My entire previous post, starting from the first lengthy paragraph was trying to explain why MHz doesn't matter. I agree with your point of view, but I am trying to expand the MHz/GHz speeds of a G4 to how it would compare against a P4 of ≈ same speed. My post had approximations, so that's why I say approximately equal to, not =. But my point is that the G4 can actually surpass the P4 at 3 or 4GHz speeds if the right apps are used.

    >They don't even care how much ram it has. I know this because I went computer shopping with my boss for work(yes for a PC). He wanted my help. Well little help I was he bought the cheapest computer he could get with 64MB of Ram I suggested we upgrade it later and he agreed well that was 2 years ago still it sits with 64MB of RAM in it. Oh and I might add it still has all the stickers on the front of it.

    Well I didn't mention RAM, but I will now. Try running OS X (even 10.1) on ANY computer with 128MB of RAM or less. I have with my iMac 233 (w/64MB of RAM) and my iBook 467 (with 128MB). The iMac was a complete drag. My iBook is rather slow, but it works fine. My Cube G4 has 1GB of RAM and must be at least 2 or 3 times faster than my iBook, depending on what tasks I perform.

    >These people don't care about this stuff all it's used for is mail and the occasional websearch and most people are like this.

    Now this brings up a different issue (as well as MHz): OS Stability. Sure, XP may have fixed *some* :snicker: of the errors from older versions of Win. Yet it still isn't totally stable.

    Wherever there is a PC for that stuff, there is a low-end PowerMac for them. It's called an iMac. :cool:

    Merriam Webster Dictionary. Merriam-Webster Dictionary
  • Merriam-Webster Dictionary

  • Spanky Deluxe
    Oct 27, 11:49 AM
    Following on from this story, apparently FoxConn will be supplying Apple with 15.4" MacBooks/MacBook Pros in May 2007.


    Apr 15, 11:07 PM
    Everyone has lost interest in doing this kind of thing I guess. Maybe when they removed the screensaver, for good reasons, it wasn't as interesting for some people. Upgrading to new clients can be a hassle.

    I think if the stats were more interesting, I would like to have a better way to see how I'm doing against people on other teams.

    Kakaostats may go by the wayside, he doesn't have individual stats anymore and the rest of his stats are questionable because of some bug.:(

    We need to get more users in the team and have it competitive between us and also track the teams PPD. The stats are really fun and is what makes me want to produce more then I would otherwise do :D

    Oct 16, 04:48 PM
    At this point ill believe it when I see it. I think that the only thing all these Darn rumors asy is how mcuh everyone in general would love an apple phone. done right, an iphone could easily replace most peoples phones and ipods. add into it, home on ipod, and I see a winner. but this is all speculation... ill belive it when i see it

    Here's what I'm sick and tired of:

    "The video iPod will come out this summer."
    "The video iPod won't be ready until 2007."
    "The video iPod will come out this fall."
    "The video iPod won't be ready until 2007."
    "The video iPod will still come out this year sometime."
    "The video iPod won't be ready until 2007."
    "The video iPod will still come out this year. No, seriously this time."
    "The video iPod won't be ready until 2007."

    Give me a break.

    Apr 5, 10:25 AM
    First off, leave my post alone.
    Secondly you will see iPad 3 as early as September if competition is stiff. Only if iPad 2 retains major market share will Apple will delay release of iPad 3 until 2012, thus extending revenues from iPad 2.

    Wow, you're some kind of business GENIUS! :)

    Seriously, though, hell will freeze over before iPad 3 is released in September, or any time whatsoever in 2011. Just let it go, man...

    Mar 13, 10:41 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I live in Arizona and we don't follow daylight savings time, but my phone jumped an hour ahead. I'm on AT&T btw

    Oct 27, 10:39 AM
    Here are some photos I took at the launch... I resized them to 350px as the forum script was re-encoding them and they had horrible JPEG artefacts over the thumbnails previously.

    Hah, you got me at the bottom of the stairs on this one! Me and my two friends, I'm in the middle.
